The research from Common Sense Media and Pew Research Center shows that teens and their parents have a bit of a disconnect. Teens express themselves more so through the internet and social media. Parents want them to talk to them and express their feelings to them. In today’s world, everything that teens do is on social media and parents are still in the stone age in regards to their social media competence.
Some positive effects that were shared by teens about social media was their ability to interact with their peers and make connections they may not have been able to make without it. Parents shared some positive effects along the lines of being able to stay up to date on their kids lives and what they are doing and how they are doing. Even being able to get back in touch with old friends from their younger years.
Some negative effects that were shared were cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a serious problem in today’s society and is especially a problem now more than ever with people not being able to get together like they used to because of the pandemic. People are stuck at home and their only means of communication is social media. It is a great place to get connected but can also be a hotbed for bullies.
I found the topic of mental health to be a key takeaway from my readings. I think, like they stated, it can be good and bad for your mental health. Some good things that come out of it would be connecting with old and new friends and an outlet to express your thoughts and feelings. But cyberbullying and things of that nature can be a major factor to poor mental health and depression.