Misinformation on the Web

Otto Grimm
2 min readNov 16, 2021


One of the big things I learned throughout this module is how important it is to fact check or make sure what you are looking at is accurate. I learned that it is way easier than you may think it is to be fake and post stuff out there for people to see that seems very real. Look at what other people say about certain organizations instead of what and organization says about itself. Another thing I learned is that wikipedia isn’t as bad as some people make it out to be. There is good information on there regarding research into organizations and what is real and what isn’t. I like how the wikipedia pages are mostly created by people and they have to provide some sort of context or source for the work they have shown.

I have certainly faced online harassment or trolling and I think it would be harder to find someone who hasn’t. The truth is, there are a lot of people out there who have nothing better to do than to try and piss you off or bother you in some way. Wether it be terrible messages or post on social media, or scammy prank calls on the phone, it is out there and it is everywhere so it is important to try to avoid it. My go to for dealing with it is trying to avoid toxic people online, and if I do encounter some sort of bullying or harassing, I just don’t respond or look the other way because it doesn’t really matter.

A social media site that I use often and am very familiar with is Twitter. Twitter is a very big company and a very popular social media platform, so as you can imagine, it is a very busy place for trolls and things of that nature.


This site talks about some of the new changes twitter made earlier this fall to allow settings to be changed to make your profile and your feed more secure from trolls and misinformation.



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