Privacy is not as private as it seems

Otto Grimm
1 min readOct 12, 2021


Facebook has found themselves in the spotlight a lot over the past few years and it seems that it is more negative than positive. It seems I am always seeing things in the news about some new privacy concern involving facebook and I think this article is very informative as to just how much trouble they got themselves into.

Digital privacy is very important. You shouldn’t have to worry about your personal life being attacked and intruded upon. You should feel safe and not worry that things are going to be seen or taken from you that you haven’t given consent to be put out. I think the algorithms will overall be positive for society. I think that people feeling safe and secure outweighs any negatives that may come about. Something that I learned this week that surprised me was just how much is in these terms of service contracts. No one ever reads those things and it is scary and shocking just the crap that they can hide in those.



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