Social Media & Participatory Culture

Otto Grimm
Nov 9, 2020

Participatory culture is a culture in which participation is encouraged and from all different types of people. A culture that is open for discussion and everyone feels that their opinions matter and will be heard.( p9) Somewhere where people feel it is easy to connect with one another and build meaningful relationships.

Some things that inspire me to participate on social media is the ability to interact with my friends and peers. Some people a may not see day to day pr even over the course of a few months. It is a great place to participate in these groups and relationships. It is also a great place to network. That is to search for information and get yourself out there. ( p6)

During covid I have found myself needing more interaction through social media platforms. Whether it be for school or connecting with peers from school, it is a great avenue to connect with others and participate on social media. Some things I have shared are updates on my schooling and my choice to stay home instead of going to campus for the fall semester. “Play” is a term describe in the macfound article that is an important skill when talking about participation culture on social media and I feel that this is a good example of that.

The platforms I participate on are mainly instagram and twitter. I feel these are areas where most of the people I interact with are found and that I share most things on. It is a great opportunity to participate actively in a social media culture.

